First of all, for anyone who isn’t familiar with the practice of NoFap, it is basically abstaining from porn and masturbation for a period of time, or even indefinitely. This is something that I personally hold myself to. I try to maintain at least 1-2 months of nofap before I get a strong urge to relieve myself. The longest I’ve maintained fapstinence is a little over 6 months, if I can remember correctly. That was insane, now that I think about it. I don’t know how I did it.
NoFap might be especially tough for those of you who find it hard not to fap at least once (or a few times) a day. I’ve had friends who seriously struggled to maintain NoFap for as little as a week, and I also have a friend who was able to maintain NoFap for a whole year. I recently met up with this friend and hadn’t seen him for 5 months or so and I could have sworn his voice was much deeper. I have also read stories and experiences online from other people who had maintained NoFap for as long as 1 month, 2 months, and so on.. and they also noticed a significant change in their voice.
You may not experience this kind of result or ‘side effect’ from NoFap, just as I haven’t experienced any change with my voice (or at least not that I’ve noticed), but it’s worth a try. Challenge yourself. See how far you can push your limits in regards to abstinence from porn and fapping. There are so many more benefits to it that you should take the time to research and read up on through a quick Google search.
For links to success stories from guys who have achieved a deeper, more manly voice with the help of NoFap:
All the best with your NoFap goals.
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